CLC Editor

Editing a MIFARE Classic 1K next generation (with 7 byte UID)
CLC Editor allows editing the content of MIFARE Classic and MIFARE Ultralight cards as well as compatible cards.
If you ever tried to change the content of a smart card using APDUs APDU = Application Protocol Data Unit you surely know how annoying this can be. Therefore I decided to write this little editor.

CLC Editor supports the following types of smart cards:

CLC Editor also allows changing keys and access rights (MIFARE™ Classic) and card locking (MIFARE™ Ultralight).

CLC Editor requires a PC/SC PC/SC = Personal Computer/Smart Card compliant contactless smart card reader. I tested it with an SCL011 made by Identive (former SCM Microsystems). Since the used commands are proprietary to Identive, CLC Editor will not work with other card readers. I can adapt this tool for other devices, but these devices must be provided because I simply cannot effort the costs to buy it.

CLC Editor requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7.