
Welcome to my web site!
Here, you can find some tools, games, code samples, and other stuff I have created.

Recent changes

2014-07-06 — XML to HTML converter updated (minor bug fix)
2014-03-03 — Neon Flow updated (minor bug fixes)
2014-02-22 — Smartcard Scripter updated (minor bug fixes)
2014-01-13 — New version of the Javascript game "Flood It" added including source code
2014-01-13 — Javascript game "Neon Flow" added including source code
2013-12-22 — "XML 2 HTML converter" added including source code
2013-12-14 — "PC/SC sample" updated (improved support for Windows 8.1)
2013-11-25 — "Delphi Markup Label" updated